June 16, 2018
This week was a fast one! We were over in Sassari for DDM, that was good. After that I took Anziano Stout with me to Olbia for a scambio and that was pretty good! Anziano Stout is pretty in gamba as they would say in Italian. That pretty means that he is on the ball! We did some good missionary work together.
This week Anzaino Lamoureux and I had a pretty funny experience when we were talking to a group of people on this amphitheater thing. There was this older guy that was pretty full of himself haha we started talking about religion then some how started talking about a sports. He told me "you look like some one who didn't do many sports" then he started talking about how when he was my age that he was the champion of Sardegna for the shot put. We started talking about marks and it turns out I threw about 6 feet further than him haha he was pretty surprised and didn't believe me at first, then I showed him some pictures and he believed me. So that was pretty funny! We ended up having a good conversation and his wife actually stopped by church the next day!
I got an email from my sister Italia a while ago asking me If I knew how to make pasta. I brought it up to some, members and this week we had a little branch activity where we hand made some pasta! So that was cool! Tatiana, a woman that we met at the park came and had a really good time so that was awesome. She really loves the members here which is awesome.
Another pretty awesome thing was that we passed by a less active family this past week that I knew from last year. I didn't think too much of it but then the mom came to church and that was awesome! After church we had a branch pranzo and ate the pasta we made earlier that week and the whole family showed up! That was an awesome miracle. The Lord really does magnify our efforts.
Happy father's day to my DAD! I have learned to much from his tremendous love for all of us kids and I continue to learn more and more as I reflect on his example that he set for all around him. Love you dad! When my understanding of God's love for me really grew was when I took the example of the love my father has for me; and realized that God loves me in the same way. God is perfect, and his love is so perfect, we can only begin to understand how grand it is. I know God lives and that he really does love each and everyone of you, regardless of who you are or who you were.
Vi voglio bene!
Love Anziano Ruiz
The good ole Olbia house.
Home made pasta.
We made this bomb cheese cake.

Pday at Porto Cervo.